The Greatest Milk Machine's

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Even though this record was set in 2006, few people knew this untill the Holstein International magazine of August 2009 published this record. The cow that has the highest record for total prodcution (Milk, Fat and Protein) is the cow Tacoma Mark My-Word VG-88 from Tacoma Dairy in the American state of Michigan. Curiously this cow like another past milk machine Raim Mark Jinx have both the same father: Walkway Chief Mark. Another famous cow record breaker, Beecher Arlinda Ellen, was half-sister to Mark since their father was Pawnee-Farm Arlinda Chief. Most of the famous milk producters com from the family of Chief!

The top 2 total production records:

Tacoma Mark My-Word (2006)

Maciel # 289 (1984)

Past records:

Raim Mark Jinx

Beeccher Arlinda Ellen

Top: Chief, father of Mark and Ellen.

Bottom: Mark, father of Jinx and My-Word.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My dad's bull was Arlinda Chief from Pawnee Farms, James Fishler

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