The Most Used Social Network's Today

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

According to an article in the March 2010 National Geographic magazine, 830 million internet users entered the Social Networks on October 2009. Out of those 830, 430 visited Facebook, the majority coming from the United States. Even though you can't see very well the diagram, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Japan and France are the other countries that mostly use Facebook. Curiously, countries apart from the United States and Canada use mostly national social networks. For example, China uses Baidu Space, QQ Alumni and Kaixin001. India uses Bharatstudent, Germany uses Wer-Kennt-Wen, Japan Hatena Bookmark, Russia Vkontakte, etc.

The first social network was launched 13 years ago and was called SixDegrees. You could send messages to one another, but the site wasn't as advanced as today many are. The site went offline in 2000, and sinced then, many different social networks have rised.

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